
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome to Oregon, beaches!

Mirror Pond Pale Ale by Deschutes Brewery is the greatest beer on earth.

I am here at my favorite WPBA event in Lincoln City on the Oregon coast.  Actually, I am at the bar at my favorite WPBA event in Lincoln City on the Oregon coast drinking the nectar of the gods and soaking up some wifi.

I wanted to take some time out and profusely thank my featured sponsors for bringing me to this event.

First, my beloved home room and second home...

Beer interlude

and B, my favorite orthodontist, bowler and all-around sports enthusiasts:

Check out one of his other philanthropic interests, The 2009 Natomas Challenger, here.


In tournament info, I play Yu Ram Cha, tomorrow, at 1:30 Pacific Time.

That is why I will only have the one beer, though I want all, all the beer.



Johnny said...

Good luck!!

Johnny said...

I found the tournament livestream when tracie was playing melissa and about halfway through you started your match with Rachel on the table just behind the stream table. I had to stay late at work to see what happened. :) Excellent come back!!! I would love to read a blog about what happened there - how you got down, and how you were able to pull yourself together to win it.
